Posts tagged Risk
Learn To Love The Problem

Mentee Reading | Having problems is *not* the problem. Can you find the opportunity and build a better or novel solution? What do you do when you're faced with a big decision? How can you Work Creatively! to be more effective as a strategist, innovator or problem-solver? What do you do when a wild problem requires a leap in the dark? How can you seek viewpoints, be open minded, question your own judgement or conclusions, look for novelty, adopt integrative thinking and look for what you can learn?

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Flux, Failure and Risk

Mentee Reading | We face flux, change and difficult situations all the time. We may succeed or we may fail. It helps to both fail well and to learn from our success - to understand how we make decisions and our reasoning abilities. We can also learn from ‘risk-takers’ about why they do what they do, how they prepare, and how they’ve handled things going wrong. Happy reading and stay curious!

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